
Help future-proof your business with sustainable employee hardware technology: Starting with monitors

Help future-proof your business with sustainable employee hardware technology: Starting with monitors
Help future-proof your business with sustainable employee hardware technology: Starting with monitors
Help future-proof your business with sustainable employee hardware technology: Starting with monitors
Record-breaking heatwaves and rising sea levels across the globe have proven climate change impossible to ignore. Environmental sustainability is now a key priority for consumers, businesses, and governments alike. It is time for companies to view environmental sustainability as a historic business opportunity, on par with the first and second industrial revolutions. Be a part of this green market revolution, or risk irrelevance and obsolescence: Successful organizations are moving to embed sustainable practices across the business and are actively seeking partners who are doing the same. Dell Technologies commissioned Forrester Consulting to survey 300 senior business decision-makers and 300 knowledge workers based in APAC, Europe, and North America to explore the role of sustainable employee hardware technology — specifically external monitors — in enabling organizations to respond to environmental sustainability demands, elevate employee experience (EX), and achieve sustainability objectives. We found that business decision-makers are investing in environmentally sustainable external monitors as an immediate and accessible solution to embed sustainable practices and achieve large-scale impact internally.

Key Findings

Environmental sustainability is a top priority for both organizations and knowledge workers. One in four decision-makers (26%) considered environmental sustainability to be their organization’s top priority, driven by the need to respond to stakeholders and reduce operational cost. Employee sentiment has shifted substantially — 76% of knowledge workers indicated an organization’s commitment towards environmental sustainability will positively impact their decision to work for them. Challenges around budgets, measuring outcomes, and communication are holding sustainability initiatives back. Lack of budget (56%) and adequate data (52%) were the top barriers to implementing sustainability initiatives. An alarming 62% of employees reported that their organization does not share relevant information around their sustainability vision and initiatives, although it was important for employees to understand them. Sustainable technologies and suppliers play a critical role in achieving objectives. Seventy-eight percent of business decision-makers considered investing in more environmentally sustainable technologies and evaluating initiative partners effective in helping them achieve their sustainability goals. Fifty-two percent indicated that the increase in revenue driven by energy efficiencies was the top benefit for investing in sustainable monitors and 50% believed it improves internal awareness around sustainable practices. Sustainable Hardware Technologies Help Organizations Deliver Positive Outcomes Since the advent of the pandemic, environmentally sustainable practices are now mandated by regulation and expected by stakeholders (i.e., customers and employees). To respond to this demand, organizations increasingly perceive environmental sustainability as a strategic imperative and are prioritizing measurable objectives, starting with reducing their carbon footprint. Investing in sustainable hardware technology is a key enabler in achieving these objectives and driving key business outcomes. Environmental sustainability is a top corporate priority as organizations prioritize measurable and concrete initiatives. Changing consumer sentiment and investor pressure have driven more than 1,000 companies to adopt science-based emission reduction targets and a total of 151 countries have submitted new plans to slash their greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Seventy percent of decision-makers said their organizations are thus prioritizing environmental sustainability initiatives and about one in four (26%) considered environmental sustainability their organization’s top priority. The key drivers for these initiatives include responding to stakeholder expectations, reducing operational expenses and corporate risk. Similarly, across all three interviews conducted with senior decision-makers in the finance and manufacturing industries, the need to respond to stakeholder demands is the top driver for their firm’s sustainability initiatives. The pandemic was a catalyst for reinforcing the importance of environmental sustainability. Seventy-eight percent of business decision-makers indicated there is a moderate to significant extent that the pandemic has impacted their environmental sustainability strategy. The head of sustainability at a large organization in the manufacturing industry in Germany noted that their firm’s energy consumption fell by 15% during the onset of the pandemic as travel reduced and people were forced to work from home. As a result, technologies that enabled virtual collaboration became highly effective in reducing Scope 3 emissions (i.e., indirect emissions in a firm’s value chain beyond operations). Moreover, employee views on environmental sustainability have shifted since the pandemic began. Seventy-six percent of knowledge workers indicated an organization’s commitment towards environmentally sustainability will positively impact their decision to work for them, compared to only 54% who said the same before the pandemic started in 2020. Help future-proof your business with sustainable employee hardware technology: Starting with monitors – Contact Axiz today.
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