Company Details
Working Days
- Monday9AM - 5PM
- Tuesday9AM - 5PM
- Wednesday9AM - 5PM
- Thursday9AM - 5PM
- Friday9AM - 5PM
- Saturday9AM - 5PM
- SundayClose
About Company
Afrikagrupperna is a Swedish member-based (around 2,400 members in Sweden) solidarity organisation whose overall vision is a just world. Afrikagrupperna focuses on the unfair distribution of resources and power with a feministic approach as women are the most affected. To implement its strategy, Afrikagrupperna gets approximately 90 per cent of its funds from Sida. The other 10 per cent comes from the organisation's own fundraising activities.
Afrikagrupperna has its main office in Stockholm and one regional office in Johannesburg. Over the past several years, Afrikagrupperna has been active in five countries across the Southern Africa region; Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe supporting through various forms of partnerships and solidarity Non-Governmental Organisations and movements/networks in different areas such as sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), food sovereignty and land, natural resources, working conditions and human rights.
Afrikagrupperna has been supporting the União Nacional de Camponeses (UNAC), a Mozambican non-profit association, since 2006. UNAC is an independent movement of peasants created in Mozambique in 1987 and registered in 1994. Its mission is to "Fight for a greater protagonism of peasants (men, women and youth) in the search for a more just, prosperous and solidary society". To this end, UNAC has been committed to promoting and expanding peasant self-organisation for the dynamic strengthening of communities and increasing their capacity to respond to challenges at the grassroots, contributing to guaranteeing food sovereignty for peasant families.
UNAC is organised in more than 2,500 farmers' associations/cooperatives, 118 District Unions and 11 legally constituted Provincial Unions. The target group are female and male with a total of 150,000 individual members, 63% women. The movement has been trying to influence public policies that benefit small-scale farmers throughout the country. The movement is affiliated with several regional and international organisations and movements such as La Via Campesina East and Southern Africa and Rural Women’s Assembly.
Against this backdrop, Afrikagrupperna is commissioning an assessment of UNAC to understand better the organisation's role in the Mozambican context and the congruency of objectives between Afrikagrupperna and UNAC.
Current Opening
Call for Proposals – King Cetshwayo District (UMlalazi and Mhlathuze); uGu Districts (Ray Nkonyeni and Umzumbe)
South Africa
Vacancy: Researcher – Urban Land and Housing Policy, Design and Economics
South Africa
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP): TAURGF3.1−2024, Supply and Delivery of New Vehicles (Bakkies)
South Africa
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP): TAURGF3.1−2024, Supply and Delivery of New Vehicles (Bakkies)
South Africa
Finance and Operations Manager (Ref: RDT014)
South Africa
Title: Designing a separate fundraising vehicle for SANParks (linked to Kruger National Park as pilot)
South Africa
Finance and Administrative Assistant, USAID/Southern Africa Countering Wildlife Crime Activity
Pretoria, Gauteng
Experienced Bookkeeper/ Financial Accountant
South Africa
Experienced Bookkeeper/ Financial Accountant
South Africa
Child and Youth Care Worker (male)
South Africa
Experienced Bookkeeper/ Financial Accountant
South Africa
: Rural Nature Positive Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) and Entrepreneurship Development Programme
South Africa
Experienced Bookkeeper/ Financial Accountant
South Africa
Call for Applications: Rise Up Launches Leadership & Advocacy Program in South Africa
South Africa
Project manager for a data, design, and communication agency
South Africa
Senior Financial and Shared Services Manager
South Africa
Project Manager Limpopo – Mopane East and West
South Africa