Grants for Non-profit Organisations (NPOs) to implement Community Based HIV Literacy interventions for 7 months

South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) Trust


Grants for Non-profit Organisations (NPOs) to implement Community Based HIV Literacy interventions for 7 months.

The South African National Aids Council Trust (SANAC Trust) is hereby calling all interested Non-profit Organisations (NPOs) established and working in the Northwest Province (Bojanala), Eastern Cape (OR Tambo), Gauteng (City of Tshwane and Ekurhuleni), and KZN (eThekwini) to implement community-based HIV literacy interventions to promote demand for HIV services and retention in care.

Eligibility Criteria: 

The NPO must be registered in terms of the Non-profit Organisations Act, No. 71 of 1997, as amended, and produce the NPO registration Certificate, which will be verified for validity with the NPO directorate within The National Department of Social Development. The NPO must originate and be operational in the provinces and districts within which they are applying for funding. The NPO must have at least two years of experience in providing community-based HIV & AIDS services and have experience in coordinating and implementing community campaigns and dialogues, and treatment literacy implementation. The organisation must have a strong working relationship with the department of health district office and local clinic. To ensure the service is sensitive and responds to the needs of people with HIV, preference will be given to organisations that are led by people living with HIV. The NPO’s will facilitate and ensure effective implementation, coordination, and monitoring of HIV literacy implementation as per the project specifications. The NPO must have sound financial systems in and the ability to gather data, compile information and compile reports. The NPO must demonstrate the ability to operate in a multi sectoral environment. Applications must provide evidence of proof of authority (Board Resolution or the equivalent) to apply for the grant, provide a tax clearance certificate or confirmation that they are registered as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO), have evidence of a physical office structure and be to ensure sound financial management and accounting procedures. All applications for funding must be done using the SANAC Trust proposal documentation (Form 1, Form 2, Budget and Budget justification template) available on the SANAC Trust website ( All sections of the applications must be fully and comprehensively completed.

All proposals must be submitted by 12:00 midday on the 15 February 2024. Proposals received after the closing date will not be considered:

A soft copy of the Call for proposals, Terms of Reference and all relevant documentation is available on the SANAC Trust website

Proposals related enquiries: and                                          

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    15 Feb, 2024

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    Posted 1 year ago

South African National Aids Council (SANAC)
South African National Aids Council (SANAC)
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