You FM - Mother's Day 2023

You FM - Mother's Day 2023

You FM - Mother's Day 2023

This Mother's Day, You FM would like to highlight and celebrate the power of Sweetness Motsepe and Tumisang Ndlovu who are firstly mothers and then presenters on the station.

You FM’s core demographic of 25 to 44 year olds is made up of predominantly female listeners. They love spending time with their families and are proudly African with a global perspective.

Sweetness Motsepe

Presenter: You FM’s The Sweet Spot, Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm

Sweetness Motsepe is a name synonymous with radio hosting excellence, captivating listeners with her warm and engaging presence on You FM's The Sweet Spot. Beyond her professional accomplishments, Motsepe is a doting mother to a three-year-old girl, and her journey of motherhood is as inspiring as her on-air persona.

The most rewarding aspect of motherhood, according to Motsepe, is the unparalleled experience of witnessing love in its purest form. In her daughter's eyes, Motsepe sees a reflection of her own perfection. It's in these moments that she feels the essence of motherhood, and cherishes the opportunity to share funny and interesting stories with fellow moms.

When asked about her approach to parenting, Motsepe reveals her conscious and intentional mindset. She believes in being mindful in every moment, carefully choosing her words, teaching her daughter emotional awareness, and embracing affection as a means of brightening their lives. Moreover, Motsepe aims to gradually introduce her little one to the world's complexities, instilling a sense of caution without dampening her spirit.

In Motsepe's eyes, the most significant obstacle between parents and their children, especially during the teenage years, is the divide that separates them. Drawing from her own experiences as a young mother, she recognises the importance of striking a delicate balance between protection and freedom. By connecting with her daughter on her level and understanding her perspective, Motsepe believes she can bridge the gap and guide her child with wisdom and empathy.

Every aspect of motherhood brings joy to Motsepe's heart. From dressing her little girl in adorable outfits to witnessing her excitement over new toys and experiences, every moment is special. When it comes to imparting life lessons, Motsepe's core values shine through. She hopes to teach her daughter the importance of love, kindness, and respect for everyone. By leading through example, Motsepe strives to simplify life and avoid unnecessary complications. She values balance, prioritising time with her daughter while effectively managing her professional commitments. Through her own actions, such as maintaining a fitness routine, healthy eating habits, and making time for rest and relaxation, Sweetness hopes to instill in her daughter the importance of a well-rounded and fulfilling life.

Motsepe's upbringing by two remarkable and self-sufficient women, her mother and grandmother, plays a vital role in shaping her parenting philosophy. Their emphasis on diligence, reciprocity, and hard work serves as a guiding light in her personal and professional pursuits. Motsepe understands that effort and giving back are essential components of a fulfilling life, and she endeavours to pass on these values to her daughter.

Sweetness Motsepe's journey of motherhood is one of love, growth, and unwavering dedication. As she nurtures her daughter, she embraces the challenges and triumphs, always striving to be the best mother she can be.

Tumisang Ndlovu

Presenter: You FM Business Hour, Monday to Thursday, 6pm to 7pm
Business reporter: Newzroom Afrika

As Mother's Day approaches, Tumisang Ndlovu, the highly respected business reporter and presenter of the You FM Business Hour, reflects on the role of motherhood in her life. Ndlovu is a proud mother to a 14-year-old boy, and she cherishes the unconditional love that he brings into her life. But being a mother also has its challenges, as Ndlovu knows all too well. Reprimanding and disciplining her son is never easy, but it is necessary to teach him the importance of responsibility and accountability.

One topic that Ndlovu discusses with her son that her own parents never broached with her is dating. She believes in having open communication with her child about all aspects of life, including relationships.

Ndlovu recognises that one of the biggest challenges facing kids and teenagers today is emotional management and building a resilient mindset. To help her son navigate this, she encourages open communication and embraces counseling/therapy when needed. Despite the challenges, being a mother is also a lot of fun for Ndlovu. She loves having a mini best friend to share adventures and laughs with.

Although Ndlovu doesn't see much of herself in her son, she hopes to inspire him by living her life transparently and achieving success in her career. Her ultimate lesson for him is to never sell himself short.

Ndlovu's own mother plays a significant role in inspiring her to be strong and assertive in all aspects of her life. Her mother never gives up in the face of adversity, and Ndlovu hopes to instill the same resilience in her own child.

As Ndlovu reflects on her role as a mother, she feels grateful for the love and joy her son brings into her life. She knows that being a mother isn't always easy, but it is one of the most rewarding experiences she has ever had. On this Mother's Day, she feels blessed to be a mother and to have the opportunity to shape the life of a young person with limitless potential.

You FM is the only commercial radio station in the Northwest Province, and broadcasts from Rustenburg, the Platinum Town. You FM has extended its coverage footprint to Tshwane, West Rand, and the Northern parts of Johannesburg. You FM has been on a mission to deliver the Magic of Radio and to keep listeners in tune with the world around them.


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