Population Services International (PSI)

About Company

Invitation to Bid:

CMI Services Consultants


Population Services International (PSI) is an international NGO network operational in over 70 countries. Population Services International South Africa concentrates on issues of HIV / AIDS. As part of their HIV/AIDS control efforts, PSI-SA is using social marketing to motivate behaviour change with respect to consistent condom use, HIV testing and other safer behaviours.  


Scope of Work:

Support the SA Government and the Provincial Initiation Task Team with the provision of high-quality, high-volume, cost-efficient CMI services to males aged 15 - 29 years

Ensure that CMI services are integrated and implemented as a  package of comprehensive HIV prevention services at district level 

Maintain 100% rate in post-op reviews

Maintain exemplary quality standards and quality of care

Assess and report on all Adverse Events (AEs) to ensure safe medical follow-up and to ensure an AEs rate of below 2%

Timeous submission of unambiguous data and supporting documentation.


Services are required in the following geographic areas:  

Buffalo Metropolitan City (Eastern Cape)

Chris Hani district (Eastern Cape).


Interested Service providers / Consultants are invited to request the invitation to bid and the bid form by e-mailing procurement@psi-sa.org before the close of business 16th of October 2023.


Enquiries may be directed to: E-mail: procurement@psi-sa.org / tel: (011) 484-5320.

1st Floor, Rosebank Terrace, 23 Sturdee Avenue, Johannesburg.