RFP: Business Course for Namaqua SEF Project

RFP: Business Course for Namaqua SEF Project

RFP: Business Course for Namaqua SEF Project

  • Industry

    Call for proposals
  • Date Posted

    14 hours ago


TITLE: Business Course for Namaqua SEF Project


DATE OF ISSUANCE: 22 October 2024


  1. Background 

Conservation South Africa (CSA), as a local affiliate of Conservation International (CI), is committed to helping societies adopt a more sustainable approach to development one that considers and values nature at every turn and improves human well-being through the conservation of healthy ecosystems and the goods and services they provide.  

  1. Project Overview
    Conservation South Africa (CSA) is implementing the Social Employment Fund. The program has a focus on environmental, rangeland and/or restoration work, field work that includes but is not limited to clearing of alien invasive species; spring rehabilitation; livestock management activities; community awareness on climate change. Within this context, CSA is procuring the service of a trainer that can provide formal training for community members on how to start and grow a business with the resources that they already have.  CSA invites all eligible suppliers to provide your best offer for this solicitation by the due date.

  2. Terms of Reference, Deliverables and Deliverables Schedule

CSA would like to procure Business training, similar or equivalent to what is described below:

Topics to be covered:

What Stops us From Starting/Growing a Business           

Closing The Deal           

Break Even Point (BEP)

Financial Concepts        

Sales ‘Do Not's’


Basics - Market Analysis 

Sales Do's         

Social Media Marketing

I need Capital for Cash Flow      

Sales Pipeline

Paying Yourself

How Do I Get Capital?   

Growing your Business  

Golden Rules

Business Terms 

Basic Business  Generosity

Cash Flow or Profit        

Growing your Business  

Generosity vs Greed

Cash Flow Explained      


Record Keeping


Variable Costs   

Record Keeping - Income Statement

Sales Presentations       

Fixed Costs       

Thrift vs Waste

Stock Control    

Customer Service          

Basic Service Excellence

Business Plans              

Training should be held at the following locations in the Northern Cape, with the specific number of participants. 

  1. Steinkopf          66

  2. Port Nolloth      62

  3. Hondeklipbaai   27

  4. Concordia         18

  5. Leliefontein       32

  6. Nourivier          21

  7. Tweerivier        24

  8. Kharkams         26

  9. Paulshoek         29

  10. Kamieskroon     22
    Spoegrivier       25

  • Total participants      352


  1. Submission Details 

    1. Deadline. Proposals must be received no later than 16h00 SAST on 8 November 2024 Late submissions will not be accepted. Proposals must be submitted via email to csaprocurement@conservation.org All proposals are to be submitted following the guidelines listed in this RFP. 

    2. Validity of bid 30 days from the submission deadline

    3. Clarifications. Questions may be submitted to mrossouw@conservation.org by the specified date and time in the timeline below. The subject of the email must contain the RFP number and title of the RFP. CSA will respond in writing to submitted clarifications by the date specified in the timeline below. Responses to questions that may be of common interest to all bidders will be posted to the CSA website and/or communicated via email.

    4. Amendments. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, CSA may, for any reason, modify the RFP documents by amendment which will be posted to the CSA website and/or communicated via email.


  1. Requirements and Proposal Documents to Include:

    • Technical Approach, Methodology and Detailed Work Plan. The Technical Proposal should describe in detail how the bidder intends to carry out the requirements described in the Terms of Reference

    • Qualifications of Key Personnel. Please attach CVs that demonstrate how the team proposed meets the minimum requirements listed in section 5 (Minimum Requirements)

    • Company profile – describing the nature of business, field of expertise

    • Company Registration documents

    • Valid Tax Clearance Certificate

    • Valid B-BBEE certificate or an affidavit 

    • Two client references that bidder recently provided similar goods/equipment/services to.

    • Signed quotation with contact information on vendor’s letterhead that addresses all elements in this solicitation. 

    • Signed Representation of Transparency, Integrity, Environmental and Social Responsibility


  1. Evaluation Criteria In evaluating proposals, CSA will seek the best value for money considering the merits of the technical and costs proposals.

Evaluation Criteria

Score (out of 100)

Is the proposed approach and methodology appropriate to the assignment and practical in the prevailing project circumstances?


Is the presentation clear and is the sequence of activities and the planning logical, realistic and promise efficient implementation to the project?


Does the bidder’s past performance demonstrate recent proven experience doing similar work? 


Does the bidder and the proposed personnel have the specific technical expertise for the assignment?


Does the bidder B-BBEE certificate/affidavit meet CSA requirements?


  1. Proposal Timeline 

RFP Issued

22 October 2024

Clarifications submitted to CSA last date

1 November 2024

Clarifications provided to known bidders

 4 November 2024

Complete proposals due to CSA

8 November 2024

Final selection

15 November 2024

  1. Resulting Award CSA anticipates entering into an agreement with the selected bidder by 22 November 2024.Any resulting agreement will be subject to the terms and conditions of CSA’s Services Agreement. A model form of agreement can be provided upon request.


This RFP does not obligate CSA to execute a contract, nor does it commit CSA to pay any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of the proposals. Furthermore, CSA reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of CSA. CSA will, in its sole discretion, select the winning proposal and is not obligated to share individual evaluation results.


  1. Confidentiality All proprietary information provided by the bidder shall be treated as confidential and will not be shared with potential or actual applicants during the solicitation process. This includes but is not limited to price quotations, cost proposals and technical proposals. CI may, but is not obliged to, post procurement awards on its public website after the solicitation process has concluded, and the contract has been awarded. CI’s evaluation results are confidential and applicant scoring will not be shared among bidders.


  1. Code of Ethics All Offerors are expected to exercise the highest standards of conduct in preparing, submitting and if selected, eventually carrying out the specified work in accordance with CI’s Code of Ethics. Conservation International’s reputation derives from our commitment to our values: Integrity, Respect, Courage, Optimism, Passion and Teamwork. CI’s Code of Ethics (the “Code”) provides guidance to CI employees, service providers, experts, interns, and volunteers in living CI’s core values, and outlines minimum standards for ethical conduct which all parties must adhere to. Any violation of the Code of Ethics, as well as concerns regarding the integrity of the procurement process and documents should be reported to CI via its Ethics Hotline at www.ci.ethicspoint.com