Ending gender-based violence one conversation at a time

Ending gender-based violence one conversation at a time

Ending gender-based violence one conversation at a time

Did you know that intimate partner violence is one of the leading forms of gender-based violence (GBV)? Did you know that the GBV victim is less likely to report the abuse if it’s done by someone they know? Did you know that it takes seven to eight times for the victim to finally leave their relationship for good? Did you know that just under 50% of women report having ever experienced emotional or economic abuse at the hands of their intimate partners in their lifetime?

According to UNWomen the rate of violence against women and girls in South Africa is among the highest in the world; one in five women in relationships have experienced physical violence by a partner. It has been estimated that a woman is killed in South Africa every four hours, and at least half of them murdered by an intimate partner – five times higher than the global average. Nuclear, extended families and close friends suffer psychologically when gender-based violence takes place.

TFG’s (The Foschini Group) youth brand, The FIX, decided to take a stand with a silent anti-rape protest in an effort to bring awareness to intimate partner violence and gender-based violence in commemoration of #Global Denim Day.

A call against gender-based violence, spearheaded by The FIX team echoed through a silent anti-rape protest along Voortrekker Road in Cape Town on 24 April. The silent anti-rape protest was a response to erroneous and destructive attitudes and the persistent silence about sexual harassment, abuse, assault and rape.

The day continued with a GBV workshop, where the conversations were centred on educating, bringing awareness and unpacking topics like intimate partner violence, period poverty as well as self- defence lessons. I Hear You SA, Kwanele South Africa, Keep the energy, and the Saartjie Baartman Centre were among the Civic Society groups who came to support this significant initiative.

The FIX wrapped up its GBV campaign by bringing in a men’s perspective on the conversations with #Langaformen, talking about relationship dynamics on the narrative of “The Man Box” – a phenomenon on rigid set of expectations, perceptions and behaviours that are considered “manly” and/or a “real man’s” behaviour, imposed on men by the society, such as superiority, cruelty, emotional suppression etc.

To further support these GBV activities that took place, The FIX mobilised a donation drive for dignity packs and recycled tote bags, which were donated to the University of Western Cape (UWC) for young girls in need.

The FIX’s intent with this campaign is to continue creating awareness of the fight against GBV, abuse, and femicide as well as providing sources for help. The FIX wants to offer a shining light of hope to someone who might be experiencing GBV in their lives. To watch #TheFIXTalksGBV, click here.

Tags: local news


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