The shocking truth about your email signature manager (and how to help them)

The shocking truth about your email signature manager (and how to help them)

The shocking truth about your email signature manager (and how to help them)

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    Source: Damian Hamp-Adams, issued by Rocketseed
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  • Oct 02, 2024

Your company email signature manager is a critical cog in your corporate machine. But have you ever wondered what they actually do all day? The shocking truth is that, in large businesses they’re likely stretched (and stressed) to breaking point!

That’s because your average email signature manager faces a Herculean task that requires them to juggle all the following roles:

Brand enforcer extraordinaire: constantly struggling to ensure every employee's signature follows brand guidelines. After all, one rogue logo or font could seriously damage your company’s image,

Information updater: tasked with manually keeping everyone’s signatures current and correct in the face of changing job titles, phone numbers, etc. With so many to monitor, mistakes are inevitable!

Signature distribution wizard: responsible for getting everyone to install their email signatures correctly, made more difficult by many employees simply not following instructions.

Marketing miracle worker: incorporating email marketing banners for the latest campaigns into every email, usually at very short notice with the risk of missing promotional opportunities and deadlines.

In-house legal eagle: staying on top of ever-changing regulations to ensure every company email meets legal standards as well as applying the correct email disclaimers. Big risks if they get it wrong!

Go-to IT trouble-shooter: When employees can’t install signatures, your manager is on call to fix it.

With so many employees, it’s impossible to address every issue quickly, leaving support tickets piling up. Is it any wonder that company email signature managers are overwhelmed? After all, they’re only human. So how can you help them?

Helping your email signature manager meet these challenges

For medium to large businesses, there’s a more intelligent, efficient way to manage company email signatures at scale. It’s time to help your signature manager by implementing a centralised, automated email signature management platform that can handle all the tasks that currently consume their time, removing the risk of human error and freeing them up to focus on more strategic communications matters.

Introducing such an email signature solution, delivers clear benefits including:

Company-wide brand consistency: A centralised solution allows you to create and manage all your email signatures from one place, ensuring a unified brand image across your company.

Automated updates: Ideally, email signature software synchronises with your company’s user directory to automatically apply changes to employee contact details so they’re always accurate.

Legal compliance: Centrally manage all necessary email legal disclaimers and select a signature solution that is compliant with data protection regulations including ISO27001, GDPR and HIPAA.

Maximised marketing: Centrally run targeted email banner campaigns effortlessly to get recipients clicking through to your content, raising brand awareness, driving sales and gathering feedback.

Real-time results: Track engagement with advanced analytics and receive real-time click alerts. An ideal signature platform also integrates with your CRM to help turn insights into actions.

24/7 IT support: Should your signature manager need help, the perfect platform should offer real human support at any time to assist with any issues and ensure everything runs smoothly.

Unlimited branded mailflow: Make sure you choose a signature management solution that automatically scales to meet the needs of your growing business.

Don’t let your email signature manager continue to struggle. It’s time to ditch their old manual methods and discover the benefits of an email signature management tool that can streamline their workload, saving them huge amounts of time and stress. They’ll thank you for it!

Tags: local news


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