RFP:Comprehensive Assessment of the ‘Landscapes and Livelihoods’ Project Executed in Kamiesberg Municipal Area, Namaqual

RFP:Comprehensive Assessment of the ‘Landscapes and Livelihoods’ Project Executed in Kamiesberg Municipal Area, Namaqual

RFP:Comprehensive Assessment of the ‘Landscapes and Livelihoods’ Project Executed in Kamiesberg Municipal Area, Namaqual

  • Location

    South Africa

  • Industry

    Call for proposals
  • Date Posted

    2 days ago

  • Apply Before

    19 Jul, 2024

Title: Comprehensive Assessment of the ‘Landscapes and Livelihoods’ Project Executed in Kamiesberg Municipal Area, Namaqualand District, Northern Cape from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2024.
Date of Issuance: 3 July 2024

1. Background
Conservation South Africa (CSA), a local branch of Conservation International (CI), is dedicated to guiding societies towards a more sustainable development pathway. This pathway is one that appreciates and incorporates nature at every stage, enhancing human well-being through the preservation of robust ecosystems and the valuable goods and services they offer.
The Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) of CSA collaborates with communities committed to safeguarding their natural resources and the benefits derived from them. In return, these communities receive a consistent compensation flow from investors. This strategy not only conserves biodiversity but also enhances the living standards of local communities.
At present, CSA is inviting the services of an external professional to undertake a thorough performance assessment of the ‘Landscapes and Livelihoods’ project. This project was active from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2024. The evaluation will be conducted against the project’s established objectives and outcomes.

Project Overview In Namaqualand CSA have been implementing the CSP model in five villages in the Kamiesberg Municipal area. As the project is wrapping up, the donor requires an external audit of the efficacy of the project.

2. Project Objectives and Outcomes
Objective 1: Enhanced self-governance capacity/ of the communal land users
• A scientifically sound, socially acceptable, and financially sustainable Biodiversity Management Plan is co-developed and is being implemented by at least four farmer organizations.
• Rangeland Grazing Guidelines developed as a tool to implement the Biodiversity Management Plan and are being implemented by at least four farmer organizations.
• Stewardship Signatory Farmer Organizations are empowered to function effectively in terms of business plan development and democratic governance processes including administrative functions.

Objective 2: Long term (›3 years) implementation of planned grazing by communal land users
• 150 farmers implement conservation actions that directly contribute to rangeland ecosystem health, preventing further habitat and biodiversity loss in priority ecosystems (wetlands, etc.) on 88 000 ha. Targets include (i) a minimum of 20% reduction in the number of livestock retained in each lambing season; ii) a minimum 20% reduction in grazing pressure; and iii) a minimum 10% increase in plant cover.
• The relevant farmer organizations are capacitated to co-implement a Commonage Biodiversity Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning (MERL) programme to report on progress against the Commonage Biodiversity Management Plan.

Objective 3: Identify and secure sustainable incentive mechanism for long term implementation of planned grazing that communal landowners will implement.
• Sustainable Financing Mechanism generates incentives for a minimum of 100 farmers as an ongoing incentive for implementing scientifically sound planned grazing practices, leading to 20% or more reduced retention of livestock, reduced grazing pressure and between 5-10% increased plant cover.

3. Scope of Work for the Evaluation
Under the supervision of the Namaqualand Landscape Director, or his designee, the appointed service provider will be responsible for drafting and submitting a report to Conservation South Africa (CSA) in accordance with the provided criteria.
CSA will provide the following documents to the successful bidder.
• All project reports
• Original project agreement with donor
• GIS shapefiles of properties assessed and engaged throughout the project
• All project related documentation
• List of project beneficiaries to be interviewed

The evaluation will comprehensively assess the project’s contributions to various areas. These include the enhancement of self-governance among communal land-users, the improvement of geographical priority management as outlined in the project, and the advancement of long-term planned grazing on communal lands. The evaluation will also examine the project’s role in identifying and securing sustainable incentive mechanisms for long-term planned grazing on communal lands. The impact of the project on the conservation of the Succulent Karoo vegetation will be evaluated, as well as the cost-effectiveness of the project in achieving its stated results. The sustainability of the project’s activities and impacts beyond its conclusion will be assessed, with recommendations provided if continuity is unlikely. Lastly, the potential for successful aspects of the project to be replicated elsewhere should be explored during the evaluation.

The final report should encompass the full timeline of the project, spanning from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2024.
The information should be organized in the following order:
Summary of the Project: A brief overview of the project.
Conservation Impacts: A detailed account of the conservation outcomes realized through the project.
• Objective Achievement Evaluation: An assessment of the objectives that were met, as well as those intended results and outputs that were not achieved.
• Lessons and Recommendations: A description of the lessons learned throughout the project and any pertinent recommendations for future initiatives.
Concluding Statement: A summarizing statement that encapsulates the project’s completion and its value in terms of conservation.

4. Terms of Reference
The commencement of this evaluation is anticipated to coincide with the execution of a Service Level Agreement between CSA and the selected service provider. The evaluation process should reach completion by the 23rd of August 2024. A meeting to showcase the final product to Conservation South Africa and pertinent partners will need to be arranged.
The successful service provider will:
- Meet with CSA staff to learn about the work we do in the region generally, and specifically with regards to the Landscapes and Livelihoods project, and to receive inputs on the requirements of the product to be developed.
- Deliver first drafts of the product to CSA’s Namaqualand Landscape Program for review and feedback.

5. Submission Details
a. Deadline. Proposals must be received no later than 19 July 2024, 12H00 pm. Late submissions will not be accepted. Proposals must be submitted via email to csaprocurement@conservation.org . All proposals are to be submitted following the guidelines listed in this RFP.
b. Validity of bid. 120 days from the submission deadline
c. Clarifications. Questions may be submitted to rnewman@conservation.org by the specified date and time in the timeline below. The subject of the email must contain the RFP number and title of the RFP. CSA will respond in writing to submitted clarifications by the date specified in the timeline below. Responses to questions that may be of common interest to all bidders will be posted to the CSA website and/or communicated via email.
d. Amendments. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of proposals, CSA may, for any reason, modify the RFP documents by amendment which will be posted to the CSA website and/or communicated via email.
e. Award amount. The proposal amount should not exceed R100 000

6. Minimum Requirements
f. The service provider must be suitably qualified to undertake a comprehensive evaluation exercise and writing the report as required.
g. Must be able to speak and read Afrikaans and English fluently, as beneficiaries are mostly from Afrikaans areas.
h. Familiarity with the Northern Cape province and rural development context in the Namaqua District will be an advantage.

7. Proposal Documents to Include
i. Signed cover page on bidder’s letterhead with the bidder’s contact information.
j. Technical Proposal.
i. Corporate Capabilities, Experience, Past Performance, and 3 client references. Please include examples of similar projects or assignments and at least three client references.
ii. Qualifications of Key Personnel. Please attach CVs that demonstrate how the team proposed meets the minimum requirements listed in section 5 (Minimum Requirements).
iii. Technical Approach, Methodology and Detailed Work Plan. The Technical Proposal should describe in detail how the bidder intends to carry out the requirements described in the Terms of Reference (Section 3- no more than 2 pages)
k. Financial Proposal.
l. Company registration documents
m. B-BBEE Certificate/ affidavit
n. Valid Tax Clearance Certificate

2. Evaluation Criteria In evaluating proposals, CSA will seek the best value for money considering the merits of the technical and costs proposals. Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:


Evaluation Criteria

Score (out of 100)

Is the proposed approach and methodology appropriate to the assignment and practical in the prevailing project circumstances?


Is the presentation clear and is the sequence of activities and the planning logical, realistic and promise efficient implementation to the project?


Does the bidder’s past performance demonstrate recent proven experience doing similar work? 


Does the bidder and the proposed personnel have the specific technical expertise for the assignment?


Cost: Costs proposed are reasonable and realistic, reflect a solid understanding of the assignment.


Governance Documents: Does the bidder have all the required documents?


  1. Proposal Timeline 



Familiarization meeting with Conservation South Africa Namaqualand Landscape staff

 6 August 2024

One page product development proposal and a work-session with Conservation South Africa Landscape Staff to adjust if necessary, and approve for proceeding

12 August 2024

Draft products presented to Conservation South Africa Namaqualand Landscape Staff and a work session with staff to adjust if necessary and approve for finalization

23 August 2024

Final products presented to Conservation South Africa Namaqualand Staff

30 August 2024

  1. Proposal Timelines

RFP Issued

July 2024

Clarifications submitted to CSA

12 July 2024

Clarifications provided to known bidders

15 July 2024

Complete proposals due to CSA

19July 2024

Final selection

25 July 2024

  1. Resulting Award CSA anticipates entering into an agreement with the selected bidder by 25 July 2024. Any resulting agreement will be subject to the terms and conditions of CSA’s Services Agreement. A model form of agreement can be provided upon request.

This RFP does not obligate CSA to execute a contract, nor does it commit CSA to pay any costs incurred in the preparation or submission of the proposals. Furthermore, CSA reserves the right to reject any and all offers, if such action is considered to be in the best interest of CSA. CSA will, in its sole discretion, select the winning proposal and is not obligated to share individual evaluation results.

  1. Confidentiality All proprietary information provided by the bidder shall be treated as confidential and will not be shared with potential or actual applicants during the solicitation process. This includes but is not limited to price quotations, cost proposals and technical proposals. CSA may, but is not obliged to, post procurement awards on its public website after the solicitation process has concluded, and the contract has been awarded. CSA’s evaluation results are confidential and applicant scoring will not be shared among bidders.

  2. Code of Ethics All Offerors are expected to exercise the highest standards of conduct in preparing, submitting and if selected, eventually carrying out the specified work in accordance with CI’s Code of Ethics [for GCF-funded projects only, add: “and the Green Climate Fund’s Policy on Prohibited Practices”]. Conservation International’s reputation derives from our commitment to our values: Integrity, Respect, Courage, Optimism, Passion and Teamwork. CI’s Code of Ethics (the “Code”) provides guidance to CI employees, service providers, experts, interns, and volunteers in living CI’s core values, and outlines minimum standards for ethical conduct which all parties must adhere to. Any violation of the Code of Ethics, as well as concerns regarding the integrity of the procurement process and documents should be reported to CI via its Ethics Hotline at www.ci.ethicspoint.com