• Location

    South Africa

  • Industry

    Opportunity, Call for proposals
  • Date Posted

    3 days ago

  • Apply Before

    15 Jul, 2024


  1. Background

Afrikagrupperna is a feminist member-based solidarity organisation working on development cooperation in Southern Africa with a focus on fair power structures and fair distribution of resources. We also support the struggle for a free Western Sahara. Our vision is A Just World. We act in solidarity with people in the struggle to fight poverty and other injustices. We act to change the conditions causing inequalities in the global economic system. Afrikagrupperna’s partner organisations are key actors in this work (Strategic Plan, adopted by Afrikagrupperna’s Board, April 2021). Afrikagrupperna’s main donor is the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) while other donations and support come from interested citizens and members of Afrikagrupperna in Sweden.

Afrikagrupperna's board adopted the organisation Strategic Plan 2022-2026 in April 2021. It is grounded in Afrikagrupperna’s core values solidarity, equality, feminism, and respect. This Strategic Plan covers all different parts of our organisation (the member-based organisation and the offices in Stockholm and Johannesburg) and our operations (development cooperation, communication, fundraising and advocacy work). Over the past several years, Afrikagrupperna has been active in five countries across the Southern Africa region; Angola, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe supporting through various forms of partnerships and solidarity Non-Governmental Organisations and movements/networks in different areas such as sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), food sovereignty and land, natural resources, working conditions and human rights. 

Afrikagrupperna has been supporting LVC SEAf, a peasant movement, since 2016. LVC SEAf was established in 2008 as the regional structure of LVC international. LVC is an international movement of peasants, small- and medium-sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers. As an autonomous, pluralist and multicultural movement, independent of any political, economic, or other type of affiliation, the principal objective of La Via Campesina is to develop solidarity and unity among small farmer organizations in order to promote: gender parity and social justice in fair economic relations; the preservation of land, water, seeds and other natural resources; food sovereignty; and sustainable agricultural production based on small and medium-sized producers. 

LVC SEAf currently represents approximately 550.000 SSFPs and eight member organisations across 7 countries across Southern and Eastern Africa namely, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Kenya, Mozambique, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania.

The top decision body making of the movement is the regional meeting. These meetings sit on an annual basis. There are other structures that support the function of this regional meeting namely, Regional Coordination Committee – RCC; the Secretariat; Women and articulations and working collectives (Climate justice and Agroecology; Peasants Rights; Access to Natural Resources; Public Policies and Human Rights). Transversally, LVC SEAf also giving special attention to communication, and developing a better process, principles and practices of monitoring, evaluating, and learning from our own actions, plans, and strategies.


  1. Purpose of the evaluation

The purpose of the assessment is to explore LVC SEAf ongoing relevance and alignment to Afrikagrupperna’s (including LVC’s members) strategies, methods and objectives based on the organisation's strategic orientation given the macroeconomic changes in Southern Africa. Similarly, the assessment is intended to document LVC’s journey over the past 8 years in order to refine its operations going forward. 

The assessment will: 

  • Look into how the external environment affects the different dimensions of the organization, the organisation’s identity and capacity/performance using criteria such as Effectiveness, Efficiency, Relevance, Impact and Sustainability. 

  • Analyse the organisational strengths, competencies, and weaknesses in relation to purpose, strategy, programming, implementation and administrative/financial practice and accountability.

  • Explore how Afrikagrupperna’s support can enhance LVC SEAf strategic achievement of their regional work, adequate guidance to LVC SEAf leadership, key personnel, and members.

  • Investigate the region’s current and future contribution to LVC’s international priorities and strategies.

  • Explore the potential of the member to contribute to LVC SEAf’s fund raising efforts.


Relevant Questions 

  1. How the southern African context has been impacting LVC SEAf’s objectives and how the movement has been responding to it so far? 

  2. How is LVC SEAf addressing the root causes of distribution of power and redistribution of resources? Is the balance of forces in the countries and the region as a whole changing? What progress, results, gains, and advances have been achieved with Afrikagrupperna's support?

  3. What are LVC SEAf’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of movement building, alliances and networking, campaigning? Are there any specific areas of focus in which members engage that are not covered in LVC SEAf regional priorities?

  4. How effective have been the movement’s articulation (youth and Women)? What were the main successes? 

  5.  What have been the main challenges and victories of working collectives (Peasants Right, Public Policies, Access to Natural resources, Human Rights and Agroecology and Climate Justice)?

  6. How has LVC SEAf been responding to conflicts within and outside the movement? 

  7. How is the movement dealing with climate and environment-related issues in the member countries? 

  8. How are risks managed including risks related to corruption, gendered violation, child safeguarding, etc.? 

  9. What have been the main lessons of rotating the secretariat? 

  10. What potential exist for LVC SEAf members to contribute to the movement’s fund-raising efforts in the region? If so in what ways? (Storytelling, evidence-based research, videos etc.)

  11. What systems (structure) exist within member organisations and how are these managed and governed within the organisation in relation to the following,

    • System and control, i.e., strategy, planning, budgeting 

    • Governance - Internal and external management

    • Financial management and administration (not limited to procurement, delegation of authority, salary, and travel policies)

    • HR (timesheets, paid leave, benefits etc.)



  1.  Methodology and Approach

The methodology will be developed through a dialogue between the consultant and Afrikagrupperna.The assessment must include a review of documents and interviews with relevant people in South Africa as well as key Afrikagrupperna staff (Regional Office and Stockholm office), which includes the Regional Coordinator, Finance Officer and relevant Programme Officers and Policy Adviser. The interviews will be conducted with LVC SEAf political leadership and the secretariat of the movement, allied organizations/movements and networks donor partners/funders. In addition to interviews, there should be a sample testing of supporting documentation to expenditure and decision making is carried out to assess how responses from interviews and information from guides and manuals are implemented in practice.

A concept note with a plan, draft methodology and budget should be sent to Afrikagrupperna’s Regional Coordinator (dean.van.rooy@afrikagrupperna.se) together with a CV no later than 15 July 2024. 

For this assessment, the budget is 500, 000 SEK. The consultant’s budget should include the daily rates of the consultant, travel costs and accommodation. It is proposed that payment will be made in three phases as follows: At the start of the contract, on submission of the draft report and the final tranche at the submission of the final report.


  1. Required Competencies/ expertise.

  2. Knowledge about social movements in Africa

  3. Good understanding of socio-economic and political context of Southern Africa. 

  4. Knowledge and experience conducting similar assessments. 

  5. Good command of feminism. 

  6. Experience working with diverse stakeholders such as activists, community-based organisations, donor institutions, government institutions and civil society.

  1. Time Frame.

It is expected that the assignment will be completed by the end of November 2024. A draft report should be shared with Afrikagrupperna for comments before the final report is submitted to the regional office.


  1. Expected Output.

The expected outcome of the assessment is twenty pages report containing at least an executive summary, a clear description of methodology and data collection, findings, discussion/analysis, and recommendations. The report must provide a clear understanding of the political economy of Southern Africa and LVC’s positioning. The assessment will guide Afrikagrupperna in making informed decisions on how best to support the movement.