Khulisa Social Solutions

About Company

Khulisa Social Solutions, a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) established in 1997, inspires, empowers and enables vulnerable children, youth and the community at large to unlock their full human potential and develop skills towards a sustainable future. The organization now operates throughout the country and employs over 150 staff through 18 offices, working in and around 400 communities in collaboration with over 800 NGO partners within South Africa reaching close to 200,000 people per annum.  

Khulisa invests in people. Its focus began in the prisons two decades ago to rehabilitate criminals into productive members of society.  Then it moved into working with communities to tackle the range of issues countering sustainable development. In its current phase Khulisa has shifted the focus onto empowering those who can make a difference throughout the society and create a virtuous circle of mutual support and development based on our interdependence and innate desire to give back.  


At Khulisa Social Solutions, we offer a transformative approach to building social cohesion that transcends traditional methods of community development. Our value proposition is rooted in over 27 years of dedicated service, providing innovative solutions to some of South Africa’s most pressing social challenges.  


More than just services or corporate social responsibility, Khulisa leverages community-based solutions to advance broader community development objectives. Successful community relationships result in alliances that are more sustainable and have greater impact.   


Join us in making a profound impact! Khulisa urgently needs funding partners to expand our successful, evidence-based social cohesion programs to more communities in need. Our programs are already transforming lives in Gauteng, Western Cape, and Northern Cape, and through our research department, we have identified new areas that desperately require interventions to foster social cohesion, build community resilience, and ensure sustainable livelihoods. Your support can help bring these essential programs to those who need them most. Contact us today to learn how you can make a difference.